Current Governance
of the Trust
Trustees work with individual Heads of School in order that the children within our Multi Academy Trust experience the best possible education and experiences. The Trustees shape the strategic vision and ethos of the Trust, monitor and challenge school performance as well as dealing with financial planning and business matters with the aim of continual improvement.
Strong Strategic Governance
As a charitable Trust, our Board ensures that it complies with charity and company law requirements. In accordance with Academy requirements, the Trust follows the Articles of Association prescribed by the DfE. The Articles of Association and The Scheme of Delegation (SoD) can be found on the AAT website at
Trustees work with the CEO and individual Heads of School in order that the children within our Multi Academy Trust experience the best possible education and experiences. The Trustees shape the strategic vision and ethos of the Trust, monitor and challenge school performance as well as dealing with financial planning and business matters with the aim of continual improvement. Trustees and Local Governors have a wide range of experience, skills and expertise, all of which improves the governance within the Trust and our schools.
All our Trustees and Local Governors take great pride in providing capable oversight and guidance across all areas. Together we ensure all of our Academies provide a safe and enriching environment in which every child can learn, grow and develop to reach their full potential. We also strive to provide a rewarding environment for our staff, to ensure we attract and retain the best people in our profession.
We are dedicated to raising the aspirations for all children by celebrating their successes and achievements in a safe and caring environment.
It is our aim to build a financially strong Trust and support our Academies by providing the resources and assistance they require to succeed. We actively encourage individuality within each Academy to reflect the diversity and character of the local community within a Church of England setting. Both at Trust and Local Board level, skillsets are regularly reviewed to ensure that appropriate challenge and feedback can be given. Trustees and Governors have a wide range of expertise and knowledge of education. As the Trust grows the governance model will develop to further support school improvement and ensure that the developing challenges of the Trust can be monitored carefully.
A charitable company limited by guarantee
- Agree the articles which define the charitable purpose and how the MAT will run
- Appoint trustees and power to remove trustees
- Power to amend Articles
- Hold Board of Trustees to account
- Click here for list of Members
Company directors and charitable trustees responsible for operation of the Academy Trust, including:
Local Governors…
Responsibilities delegated from the trustees to support the running of the individual academy – empowered to do so by a ‘Scheme of Delegation.’
Core focus on:
- Academic performance
- Local community and stakeholders
- Other delegated functions as agreed
- Reports back regularly to the Directors
- Enabling them to monitor the Academy’s performance
How will Members hold Directors to account?
How will Directors hold the Local Governing Bodies to account?
What monitoring strategies will take place at each level? (Members, Directors and LGB)
- Standards of achievement
- Finance
- Staffing and payroll
- Building and premises matters
- Health and Safety
- Safeguarding
- Leadership and Management
The Local Board works closely with and shall promptly implement any advice or recommendations made by the Trustees. The LGB and Trustees closely monitor any improvements through reports from the EHT and Heads of School and reserve the right to employ external consultants to carry out a leadership review and/or teaching review of the academy to identify strengths and weaknesses in order to support individual academies.
There is an annual report to Members together with minutes of Trustees’ meetings. Members can visit the schools at any time. There is a reporting structure between each level. Reporting procedures are expressed in the agendas for each meeting at each level.